HighGround Denman

This outdoor signage project was completed in partnership with Oath & Stone Designs. The client, a local real estate marketing company, requested outdoor advertising and site signage for a showroom at their worksite in Denman Prospect. I engaged with the client and the signage manufacturer to help determine what we could deploy. I designed a number of graphics for billboards, mesh signage and other outdoor signage.

Building off their existing logo, I designed the visuals to incorporate a simple circular pattern which could be used to tie in all the outdoor signage to present a unified branding. The intersecting lines and negative space help to emphasise the key brand message about perspective and ‘point of view’. Oath & Stone Designs presented the client with a range of options, from which my final design for the mesh signage was chosen.


  • Display Signage

  • Billboard Signage

  • Mesh Signage


Enotria Wines


The Reading Snail